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intervista al dirigente responsabile della produzione

Francesco Barone, co-owner and grandson of the founder, tells us the road that led to the success of the family business. Innovation and craftsmanship are some of the keys that have allowed this situation to successfully overcome the crisis and grow steadily.

The company was founded shutdown has occurred in 1947 when my maternal grandfather Luigi decided to take the road of surface treatment of metals with great pride that we now sacrifice and yet we walk .
From the way I am still told by my father at that time my grandfather was actually the first cleaner Metals in circulation with maximum effort gave the company the right guidelines to make it the biggest and operational cleaning of our country.
After years of great success working my grandfather left us at the age of 55 years for a disease and being the great staple company what happened initially destabilized all .
It followed a period of uncertainty and there were many problems to be solved by losing all the way forward .
Fortunately, my father and my mother were not discouraged and gave ' birth to a new company that unexpectedly began to fit very well in the field .
After years of small investments , which are necessary to create a solid foundation that still exist arrival ' time to do something bigger without forgetting from where it had broken down and in a few years we purchased a new, larger shed and robotized plants were placed side by side the manual machines still present today in the company.
The breakthrough was imminent and great- creating a nice little company of surface treatments on metals at 360 degrees.
It followed a period of global economic crisis very hard but brilliantly thanks to the sacrifice of a family that has put us all the desire possible, taking advantage of the experience of my father, perfectly combining it with the technology of robotic applications .
Today I can say with only 29 years of being in the ideal situation to make the best of everything ' that I have learned in these years of hard work.
Nell ' last time me and my brother Mauro of only 22 years, we have integrated many other services for gsetire the best businesses and individuals , last but not least the internal quality control that allows us to work with the largest companies in the world without fear reason qualitative issues and serving as a private 'right that you deserve.
Believe in what you do and putting passion and heart ' served my father to my mother and 2 brothers Cleaners to create our beloved company being able to look to the future on a highway almost 60 years ago by a great Grandfather

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